Friday, October 19, 2018

SSPP FC ..2018

My first day with SSPP FC was a good one. It was convincing and promising in my opinion. For what it was promising? SSPP FC has played 3 times in the tournament and gave no chance to the opponent team to score a goal, has not relegated even a single goal. With this significant championship, sspp fc is now set to play the knock-out stage in the tournament. This implies that a team who loose the match in the next game would be out from the prestigious NE Tamchon Tournament in this season. I personally applauded the team, sspp fc for its dedication and achievement so far. If you have not witnessed the match played by the team, i wanted to say you that you are missing something in your life, that's not irreparable.

Right from defense to attack, the team showcased its talents and skills to make the opponents scared of. Many supporters believed that the match would ended up in equality but this assumption was wrong as it proved in the 21st minutes. As the time went by, the team goes on a scoring spree untill 5-0.

The sounds of the drum and the voice of the sspp fc supporters filled the stadium most of the time, and in facts, the voices of the supporters from the opponent team were negligible in the stadium, i felt sympathy for them, heard a word or two Manipuri while the chanting of SSPP fc anthem goes on..
It is my earnest wish to win this tournament this season.

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